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Be Your Amazing

A unique program of awakening and empowerment... Combining ancient teachings with high frequency transmissions from your source of wisdom, to activate your innate gifts and mastery

Do you ever get the feeling that there is an unsung song inside of you…a desire, a yearning to be more or do more?  A knowing that you have a Soul potential that is waiting to unfold.


If so, then you are an awakening woman who knows at a Soul level that you are here for a reason, and that your unique gifts and wisdom are not only needed but essential for our world at this time.

You are right!


However, feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty start to creep in and you wonder how can you possibly bring this calling, this knowing to fruition.  What are the steps involved, how can I get clarity, how do I break through the barriers of fear and confusion.

For some, you have followed your instincts and yet the inner calling has not manifested in your outer reality and frustration and helplessness has left you feeling defeated.

For others there is a sense of longing to be part of something bigger, boredom is setting in and things that you used to enjoy are no longer giving you the sense of satisfaction they used to.  If left unchecked this can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety or over giving which eventually leads to fatigue, burnout or ill health.  All in the search for fulfillment of that inner calling that yearns to be unleashed.

If this speaks to you don't worry you are not alone... in fact it is very exciting as you are one of the few who are awakening! and stepping up!

 This was certainly my experience and it catapulted me on a journey of discovery that has spanned nearly ten years.  Whilst I would not say that it was comfortable or easy, it has definitely been rewarding, it has opened within me a new world of hope and possibilities and personal power that I previously did not have access to.  It is these insights and experiences, along with tools that I have personally used that I bring to this mentoring program, along with my desire to see you fully express yourself without fear or limitation, for you to feel the joy and fulfillment when you step into your Amazing!

Be Your Amazing is the answer to bridging the gap that takes you from an inner yearning to be more, to a joyful reality.  

Are you ready to unleash you AMAZING!


The Be Your Amazing Program will take you on a journey over nine months.  The program includes a unique combination of group work, individual mentoring/healing sessions, online support and self led exercises.


The power of group energy has been utilised since ancient times.  When a group come together the energy for transformation and healing is amplified. The connections formed create bonds which help hold, support and motivate each other, this brings about faster integration of the wisdom teachings as each person adds their own unique gifts.  
We will hold a healing & wisdom circle each month where a teaching for the month will be introduced and group lift and healing in accordance of the groups needs.  


Even though we have access to our group and mentors it is always nice to have something with us at all times to support us.  I am including in the course, individual shell essence blends to assist you in the healing and transformation progress.  There will be three essences offered as we progress through the three stages of the program.

Yes! I want IN

This program is more than just a one fits all.  We are all individuals with specific needs, fears and desires.  So included are  9 monthly one on one sessions which will be a combination of intuitive counselling mentoring and healing.  You may choose a specific area of your life that you would like to be more empowered in or you may have a specific project, or relationship present or future that you would like to manifest.  These sessions will tailor the wisdom teachings from the group sessions to your individual Soul's journey.

To  deepen the healing and keep the momentum in between monthly sessions, we will have an online private facebook group where self led exercises, supportive videos such as meditations and healings will be uploaded.  This is also an opportunity to encourage and support each other via posts and comments.  This is where your emerging gifts will have a safe place to shine as we create a loving space to explore ideas and concepts.

A Journey Home to Your Sacred Self

Journey is commencing November 2019 Expected finish July 2020

Each of us has a Soul blueprint and our purpose is to connect with this blueprint and embody it.... this is our purpose.

The journey we will embark on can be broken down into three stages


Awakening - Connecting to your source

Sacred Purpose - your life matters

Soul Whispers - awakening your intuition

The Divine Mirror – through the eyes of love


Activation - Owning Your Power

Harnessing the Inner Demons - Core beliefs & Silent Contracts

The power of resonance – core emotions & mastery

Treasures & Truths of Shadow - uncovering your hidden powers

Divine feminine leadership a new power  - & Dance of Masculine & Feminine


Actualisation - Be Your Amazing Light

Creating Magic & Miracles

True North ~Your Authentic Self & Purpose in Action ~ Being Your Amazing



I believe that you all have amazing gifts and that the world is waiting for you to be seen.  I am proud to be offering this program with an easy payment plan so that you can be your amazing without financial struggle.  For those who love a bargain please take advantage of the early bird pricing.

Early Bird Discount 
$1350 paid in full offer ends 15th November 2019
Total Cost
 $1500 (deposit of $150 plus 9 x monthly payments of $150)

Image by Brooke Cagle
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